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Hockey Challenge 2014

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At Spokane Game Thread

I won't be able to get to a computer to give a running, live game updates... So I'm going to throw up a game thread here for comments as the game goes on and/or after.


Anonymous said...

pulling the goalie doesn't seem to be working very well.

NWDubFan81 said...

No kidding. I don't feel like digging it up right now, but I'd like to know how many EN goals we've allowed this year.

Hopefully the Birds come out and tear it up tomorrow night, and hopefully in front of a lot of boys in blue, rather than fans in green...

Anonymous said...

After winning 5 out of 6 games, now we have lost 5 out of 7 games, not going in the right direction especially with Kamloops and a few other teams ahead of us slipping back.

WHL Scoreboard