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Hockey Challenge 2014

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Umm... oops?

Yeah so... I think I was wrong on that trade.

Right now it doesn't look like any trade was made...

So here I am eating a little crow... I apologize to the fans. I had what I thought was a decent lead and it made sense so I figured I would throw it up.

So I got it wrong... I'm sorry. I'm better than that and I'll try not to let it happen again. I wouldn't be surprised if a trade like this eventually happens but right now it appears that it is nothing more than a rumor.

Sorry guys... I messed up...


MIKE said...

Hey don't worry man.. at least someone cares enough to follow this team before the puck drops can't find any coverage anywhere else...

Anonymous said...

it is going to happen you are right then, the only problem is getting back what Jake is probably won't happen for a couple of weeks until everyone has a couple of games under thier belt and see what they really need...

Anonymous said...

Hey like I said in my other post, this is one I could see being true. No harm / no foul

Hey Mike, you may want to listen to KJR through out the day today and watch NW Sports Tonight, and KONG News.

MIKE said...

thanks I knew about the coverage tonight.. they always cover team the day before the opener but it would be nice to have coverage such as Nick Patterson in Everett who covers the team day in day out all year long...

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