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Hockey Challenge 2014

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Playoff Tickets

Come on Tbird fans... let's get this thing going.

Right now there are way too many tickets left for the playoff games on Tuesday and Wednesday next week. It is time to get your friends together and take them to the game! We can't have the building half empty for the first ever playoff games at the ShoWare Center.

The front office has some playoff deals going and they have asked me to throw it out to my readers.

Two new deals are currently being run...

First Deal... Buy 10, get 12 for $200

Buy 10 tickets and receive 2 extra tickets for free for $200. This represents a $4 discount, there are no service fees and your group will be recognized on the video board.

Second Deal... Buy 10 tickets and split them between both games.

Buy 10 tickets and receive a $4 discount and a waive of the service fees. You can split the 10 tickets between the two games anyway you want. You want 8 for Game 1 and 2 for Game 2? Done... 5 and 5... done and done... etc.

Please contact Sean Runnels at or call him at 253-239-7825.

Come on Tbird fans... we HAVE to get people into the building. Make it happen....


4thebirds said...

So have they mailed out the tickets yet for those of us who have paid?

Thunnex said...

not yet... I'm told they will likely be going out Wednesday or Thursday after we know who the Tbirds are going to play.

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